Sorting pictures:
1. Tap Start, Programs, and Pictures.
2. Tap My pictures and select a folder from the
drop-down menu.
Deleting an image:
Hold the stylus firmly on the file name of the picture you want to delete, and then select Delete from the Pop-up menu.
Refreshing all images:
On the Pop-up menu, tap Refresh, the file information on picture list will be refreshed.
Customizing Pictures:
You can opt to launch the Pictures program automatically when a digital camera storage card is inserted and decide
on a time delay length between slides when showing a slideshow.
To select launch automatically:
1. Tap Start, Programs, and Pictures.
2. Tap Tools, Options and then General.
3. Then check the box next to Detect digital camera
storage cards.
Note: Your device supports more than 16-bit color so
dithering is not necessary.