WIRING CONNECTIONS: 12 Pin Input / Output Harness
Black Wire: Chassis Ground Source
Connect the Black wire to a known vehicle ground source or to a solid clean metal part of the chassis. Be
certain to remove any paint or grease and secure this wire with a self taping screw and ring terminal.
BLACK w/WHITE Tracer Wire: Control Switch
The Black w/ White tracer wire provides ON-OFF control of the Remote Starter.
When the Black w/ White wire is switched to a full time ground, the PRO-9175FT Remote Start Module is
Connect the Black w/ White tracer wire to one of the wires from the back of the previously mounted control
switch. Connect the remaining wire of the control switch to chassis ground. Always try to mount the switch
so that the ON position is in an upward or toward the driver direction.
Connect the GREY wire to the previously mounted hood pin switch provided . This wire will be routed through the
fire wall into the engine compartment. It is necessary to use an existing grommet when passing wires through the
fire wall to prevent short circuiting. This is an important safety feature of 9175, and failure to use this feature can result
in serious injury. Route the wire to the pin switch and connect it using the bullet connector provided.
GREY w/ BLACK Tracer Wire: Negative Inhibit Input 2
Any time the grey w/ black tracer wire is grounded, the Remote Starter will stop operating, even if the signal
is received from the transmitter.
If the brake light switch in the vehicle switches ground to the brake light circuit, connect the Grey w/ Black
trace wire to the output of the brake light switch. If the brake light switch in the vehicle switches +12 Volts,
do not use the Grey w/ Black wire; see Brown w/ Black tracer wire.
BROWN Wire: Positive Inhibit Input 1
Any time + 12 Volts is applied to the Brown wire, the Remote Starter will stop operating, even if the signal is
receivedfromthe transmitter.
Ifthevehicle hasafactoryinstalledhoodpin switch,andthatswitchprovides+ 12Voltstoanunderhood light,
the Brown wire can be connected to the existing pin switch.
BROWN w/ BLACK Tracer Wire: Positive Inhibit Input 2
Any time + 12Volts is applied to the Brownw/ Black tracer wire, the Remote Starterwill stop operating, even
if the signal is received from the transmitter. If the brake light switch in the vehicle switches + 12 Volts to the
brake light circuit, connect the Brown w/ Black trace wire to the output of the brake light switch. If the brake
lightswitch inthe vehicleswitchesground, donot usetheBrown w/Black wire;seeGrey w/Blacktracer wire.