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3 Wire Positive Switched Door Lock/Unlock Wiring Detail
3 Wire Ground Switched 2 Step Door Locks
In this application, the red wire provides a ground pulse during arming, or the pulsed ground lock output.
Connect the red wire to the wire that provides a low current ground signal from the factory door lock switch to
the factory door lock control relay.
The green wire provides the first ground pulse during disarming, or the drivers door pulsed ground unlock
output. Connect this wire to the drivers door unlock relay that requires a low current ground signal to unlock
only the drivers door. If the vehicle does not have a separate drivers door relay, one will have to be added.
Locate the drivers door unlock motor wire and cut it at a convenient location to allow wiring of an optional relay.
Connect the door side of the cut wire to terminal 30 of the optional relay added. Connect the vehicle side of the
cut wire to terminal 87a of the optional relay added. Connect the green wire of the 3 pin harness to terminal 86
of the optional relay added. Connect terminal 85 of the optional relay added to a fused constant +12 volt
source. Most vehicles door lock/unlock motor legs rest at ground, and switch +12 volts to the door lock/
unlock motor legs for operation, if this is the case in the vehicle you are working on, connect the remaining
terminal, 87, to a fused +12 volt source. In the rare instance that the vehicle door lock/unlock motor legs rest
at +12 volts and switches ground to the door lock/unlock motors, connect the remaining terminal, 87, to
chassis ground.
The Red/Black wire provides a pulse ground output when the unlock button of the transmitter is pressed a
second time after disarming. Connect the Red/Black wire to the wire that provides a low current ground signal
from the factory door unlock switch to the factory door unlock control relay.