WWhhaatt YYoouu NNeeeedd TToo KKnnooww
WWhhaatt YYoouu NNeeeedd TToo KKnnooww
The top of the Home screen displays icons for the five
applications that were recently accessed. The center of the
Home screen displays upcoming appointments, the number of
text messages in the inbox, and internet shortcuts. To open
an application, scroll to one of these items and press the
Action button on the Navigation Pad.
The Home screen is the default display when you turn on your
smartphone. You can also access the screen anytime by
pressing the Home button.
Pressing the Back button takes you to the previous screen, in
a similar manner to the Back button on an Internet browser. In
a text field, pressing the Back button moves the cursor back
to delete one or more characters. This is similar to pressing
the Backspace key on a keyboard.
Flight mode allows you to disconnect from AT&T Wireless
network, while keeping your device powered on for other
functions. This is helpful in situations such as flights, when
mobile device usage is prohibited.
The Quick List offers a list of functions, such as locking your
phone, locking the phone's keypad, and turning on the flight
mode, as well as the list of available profile types
1. Press and quickly release the Power button on top of the
smartphone to display the Quick List. (Caution: If you press
and hold too long, the device will power off.)
2. Select the item you want either by scrolling to it and pressing
the Action button or by pressing the related number.
You can think of Contacts as an online address book, where
you can store information about people and businesses you
communicate with. For example, you can store multiple phone
numbers, e-mail and street addresses, Web pages, birthdays,
anniversary dates, etc. You can use Contacts to dial phone
numbers and compose e-mail and SMS messages directly
from a contact card.
The Contacts lists displays the names of your contacts
alphabetically, along with an abbreviation for the default
communication method, such as the person's work phone
number (w) or home phone number (h). This makes it easy to
reach the contact using the method you prefer. Note that if the
contact entry includes a work phone number, your smartphone
will automatically set it as the default number.
Select Contacts from the Start menu, or press the Right
softkey (“Contacts”) when in the Home screen.
The Navigation Pad provides an easy way to move/scroll the
selection focus on the screen.
• Press the left side of the Navigation
Pad to move left.
• Press the right side of the Navigation
Pad to move right.
• Press the top of the Navigation Pad
to move up.
• Press the bottom of the Navigation
Pad to move down.
Select a highlighted item by pressing straight down on the
center of the Navigation Pad, which is also known as the
Action button. In many cases, scrolling to an item and
pressing the Action button executes a command, or takes
you to a program or setting. When you scroll to a checkbox,
pressing the Action button selects or clears the box.
Pressing the Home button takes you to the Home screen,
which is your starting place for most tasks. You can gain
access to all of your smartphone’s features and programs
from the Home screen.
Status indicators are located in the Title Bar at the top of your
smartphone’s display screen. The following table lists
common status indicators and their meanings:
New e-mail
New voice mail
New instant message
Voice call active
Data call active
Call forwarding
Call on hold
Missed call
“1” indicates Line 1
“2” indicates Line 2
Battery full
Battery very low
(less than 4%)
Battery fault
Signal strength
Radio off
GPRS available
GPRS in use
Ringer off
Multipress input lower
Multipress text input
mode, uppercase
Multipress text input
mode, caps lock
T9 text input mode,
T9 text input mode,
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