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Searching for a Specific Scene/song by using Playback Speed
1. Search by fast forward () and reverse ().
2. Search by slow forward ().
3. 3. Search by watching one frame at a time. Press the PLAY/PAUSE button () and then the
STEP button.
* For normal speed playback, press the PLAY or ENTER button.
Repetitive Playback –To Repeat a Specific Section
1. Pressing the REPEAT button once, the current chapter or track will be replayed repetitively
2. Pressing the button REPEAT button twice, the currently playing title or CD will be played
repetitively (TITLE REPEAT ON).
3. Pressing the button three times, the repeat function will be turned off (REPEAT OFF).
* In case of the MP3 disc, Press the REPEAT button to change the PLAY MODE.
Repetitive Playback –To Repeat a Specific Section (A-B Repeat)
1. Choose the section to be repeated by pressing the A-B button (SET A -).
2. Press the button again will enable you to choose the end of the section being repeated. (SET
B -).
3. Press the button a third time will turn off the repeat function. (A TO B OFF)
Changing the Subtitle Language
1. If the disc contains caption data, press the SUBTITLE button to choose a specific language.
(e.g., 1/3 ENG,2/3 SPA, 3/3 FRE will be displayed on the screen)
2. ″SUBTITLE″ OFF shows that there are no subtitles.
* This function may not be incorporated in some disc titles.
Changing the Audio Language
1. If the disc contains different audio tracks, press the AUDIO button to choose between the
various spoken languages (e.g., 1/4 5.1 Ch ENG, 2/4 5.1 Ch SPA, 3/4 2 Ch Eng, 4/4 2 Ch SPA).
* This function may not be incorporated in some disc titles.
Using the Remote Control Functions