
Information on SAR for a specific phone model can be obtained for
many recently manufactured phones using the FCC identification
(ID) number for that model. The FCC ID number is usually printed
somewhere on the case of the phone. Sometimes it may be necessary
to remove the battery pack to find the number. Once you have the ID
number, go to the following Web address:
this page, you will see instructions for entering the FCC ID number.
Type the FCC ID number exactly as requested (the Grantee Code is
the first three characters, the Equipment Product Code is the rest of
the FCC ID number). Then click on "Start Search." The "Grant of
Equipment Authorization" for your telephone should appear. Read
through the grant for the section on "SAR Compliance," "Certification
of Compliance with FCC Rules for RF Exposure" or similar language.
This section should contain the value(s) for typical or maximum SAR
for your phone.
Phones and other products authorized since June 2, 2000, should
have the maximum SAR levels noted directly on the "Grant of
Equipment Authorization." For phones and products authorized
between about mid-1998 and June 2000, detailed information on SAR
levels is typically found in the exhibits associated with the grant.
Once a grant is accessed, the exhibits can be viewed by clicking on
"View Exhibit." Grants authorized prior to 1998 are not part of the
electronic database but, rather, have been documented in the form of
paper records.
The FCC database does not list phones by model number. However,
consumers may find SAR information from other sources as well.
Some wireless phone manufacturers make SAR information available
on their own Websites. In addition, some non-government Websites
provide SARs for specific models of wireless phones. However, the
FCC has not reviewed these sites and makes no guarantees of their
accuracy. Finally, phones certified by the Cellular Telecommunications
and Internet Association (CTIA) are required to provide SAR
information to consumers in the instructional materials that come
with the phones.
8. Do hands-free kits for wireless phones reduce risks from
exposure to RF emissions?
Since there are no known risks from exposure to RF emissions from
wireless phones, there is no reason to believe that hands-free kits
reduce risks. Hands-free kits can be used with wireless phones for
convenience and comfort. These systems reduce the absorption of
RF energy in the head because the phone, which is the source of the
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty Information
4A: Safety 126