using your Xpress
AAuuddiioo LLeevveell
When listening to your Xpress
, you can adjust its audio level to match other audio
sources (your CD player, other FM stations, or MP3 player).
1. Press menu ➝ Audio Level.
2. Rotate the knob to adjust the Audio Level setting.
3. Press XM to confirm your selection.
4. Press the menu button to back out.
BBaassss aanndd TTrreebbllee ((AAuuddiioo SSyysstteemm OOppttiioonn))**
You can adjust the bass and treble to suit the kind of music you’re listening to.
1. Press menu ➝ Bass orTreble
2. Rotate the knob to adjust the Bass or Treble setting.
3. Press the XM button to confirm your selection.
4. Press menu button to back out.
*Audio Systems are sold separately
AAiimmiinngg tthhee AAnntteennnnaa
For optimal reception of XM’s live satellite signal, your Xpress
antenna should have an
unobstructed view of the XM satellites in the southern sky. In large cities, XM also has a
network of ground repeaters to help increase the signal coverage.