MaxiFix Operations Operations
Points System
1 point is awarded for answering a question.
5 points are awarded if your answer is rated as “Good Answer” by the
MaxiFix community member who asked the question.
10 points are awarded if your answer is rated as the “Best Answer” by
the MaxiFix community member who asked the question.
6.2.2 Your Cloud
Your Cloud, the second option on the Navigation Bar along the left side of the
screen, opens your personal MaxiFix page. To access the features on Your
Cloud page you can either select from the tabs or use the links on the top of
the page:
Opened Questions – opens a list with links to the opened questions that
you have posted to the community
Closed Questions – opens a list with links to the closed questions that
you have posted to the community
Your Tips – opens a list with links to tips that you have contributed to the
Ask the Experts – allows you to post a question to the community
Enter a Tip – allows you to share your personal repair experience with
the community
Tap Your Cloud on the Navigation Bar along the left side of the screen, to
display all questions and tips that you have contributed to the community.
To ask a question on MaxiFix
1. If not already done, tap Select Vehicle on the Header Bar and
enter the identifying attributes of the vehicle you would like to ask a
question about.
2. Tap Your Cloud on the Navigation Bar along the left-side of the
screen to open the Your Cloud page.
3. On the Your Cloud page find Ask the Experts; tap this link to open
the Question Page.
The Question page has 4 sections:
Subject – this is where you enter a brief subject for the