3. Test the Brake shutdown circuit: With the vehicle running under the Remote Starter,
press and release the Brake Pedal. The Engine should shut down immediately. If the
Engine continues to run, check the Brake Switch connection.
4. OEM Alarm Control: Make sure the Module is able to arm and disarm the OEM Alarm
(if applicable).
5. Door Locks and Trunk Testing: Make sure each of these options respond to the
Transmitter (if they were installed).
6. Starter Kill option: Sit inside the vehicle with all the Doors closed. Arm the vehicle and
then try to start the vehicle with the key –it should not start. If the vehicle starts, rewire
the starter kill so it functions properly.
7. Valet Mode: Make sure the Module is able to enter and exit Valet Mode properly.
When setting the Module into Valet mode pressing button
, will lock the Doors but will
not activate the Starter Kill. (Refer to User Guide for more information on Valet Mode)
8. Idle Mode: Make sure the vehicle properly goes into Idle Mode.
Most comebacks are the result of misunderstandings about how a product works or performs.
Take the time to properly explain all functions and features to the customers before they
leave the premises. Doing this will save time and money.
Closing Up
Use tie-wraps or screws to properly secure the Module and keep the wiring away from any
moving parts such as the Parking Brakes or Steering Column Shafts. Mount all switches in
good and accessible locations where they do not risk getting kicked or hit accidentally. Any
under hood wiring should be split loomed and tie strapped away from moving parts and heat
Always make all your connections before plugging in the Module. Keep in mind to plug the
fuses as the last step before the initial powering of the Module. Be sure to test all
functions properly before closing up the installation.
Make sure the Warning Label is applied on a visible place under the Hood.
Supplementary Information
The following features can be programmed according to the user’s needs and the
requirements of the installation.
Fifth Relay Output (2nd Ignition or 2nd Accessories or 2nd Crank
The Module comes equipped with a high-
current programmable 5
relay which can be
used to power a 2
Ignition, Accessory, or
Crank Wire.
The Unit uses three sets of pins. Each set of
pins has a function. To activate one of the
three possible 2
outputs, place the Jumper
(supplied) on one of the three sets of pins
and connect the green 14 AWG wire either to
the 2
Ignition wire, to the Accessories wire
or to the Crank wire of the vehicle.
Note: Only one set of pins can be used at a time.
P. 12 Installation Guide AS-1412