P. 16 Installation Guide
To install this unit in a vehicle with an automatic transmission:
1. Cut the loop on the pc board (Yellow wire).
2. Make sure the Black/White handbrake wire is not
connected to any of the vehicle
3. Make all the regular connections.
4. Power up the unit. The parking lights will flash 4 times.
5. When learning the first transmitter, the parking lights will flash 5 times quickly then give
2 slow flashes, confirming that the module is set to automatic mode.
6. Upon the first successful remote start once the yellow loop has been cut, the
system will lock the transmission settings to automatic mode.
Note: If upon pressing the
ΙΙ button, the parking lights give 3 slow flashes, make sure that the
Black/White handbrake wire is not connected and that the yellow loop is cut and isolated.
Transmitter Programming Procedure
1. Enter programming mode (see on page 14) the parking lights will stay on for up to 20
2. Before the lights go out, turn the ignition key to the OFF position, then to IGNITION ON (RUN) and
immediately back to the OFF position.
3. Press and hold the Ι button and keep it down until the parking lights flash 5 times quickly.
4. The transmitter has been stored in memory.
Note: Each unit can store 4 remotes in its memory.
Entering Programming Options
1. Enter programming mode (see on page 14) the parking lights will stay on for up to 20
2. Before the lights go out, press and hold the brake pedal and then press one of the following
BUTTON Ι ................... to access menu 1; or
BUTTON ΙΙ .......................to access menu 2.
3. The parking lights will flash and the horn will honk (if programmed) once or twice to confirm
entry into a menu.
4. Release the brake pedal.
Once the desired menu has been selected, the unit will fall (by default) into feature #1 of that
menu; you can now select the option you want in feature 1. Once this option has been chosen, the
unit will move on to feature 2 of the menu selected, and so on.
BUTTON Ι for Option 1,
BUTTON ΙΙ for Option 2,
BUTTON Ι & ΙΙ for Option 3.
Programming Options
FEATURE 1 – Ignition-controlled door locks
OPTION 1* Ignition-controlled door locks DISABLED
OPTION 2 Ignition-controlled door locks ENABLED
FEATURE 2 – Secure Lock
OPTION 1* Secure lock DISABLED
OPTION 2 Standard secure lock ENABLED
FEATURE 3 – Starter Kill arming mode
OPTION 1* Passive arming (60 sec.)
OPTION 2 Active arming
OPTION 3 Passive arming (1 min.)
Note: When SK is armed, pressing Ι will always give an UNLOCK output
(when in MENU 2 FEATURE. 6, opt.1)