Chapter 33
33-2 Command Reference Guide for the Avaya P580 and P882 Multiservice Switches, v6.1
set 3com-mapping-table
Global Configuration.
Description Creates or deletes a 3Com mapping table.
Sample Output The following example clears an entry from a 3Com mapping table.
(configure)# clear 3com-mapping-table TestTable table-entry 2
Entry (tag) 2 in table "TestTable" was successfully
Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
To Configure: set 3com-mapping-table <table-name>
[…table-entry <entry-num> vlan {<vlan-id> |
name <vlan-name>} [,] ]
To Delete: clear 3com-mapping-table <table-name>
[… table-entry <entry-num> [,] ]
Table 33-1. Parameters, Keywords, Arguments
Name Definition
<table-name> The name of the mapping table to be deleted.
<entry-num> The entry number in the table.
<vlan-id> Specifies a VLAN by its VLAN ID.
<name-name> Specifies a VLAN by its name.