File Locations
16 Avaya IP Telephone File Server Application Reference Guide
FTP Server Using Default Ports 21/20
The FTP server backs up individual 4600 Series IP Telephone user data such as screen
settings and speed dial data. The data is stored in “data” directory by default:
For Linux: /opt/ecs/mvuser/MV_IPTel/data/FTPdata
For Windows: c:/Program Files/Avaya/MV_IPTel/data/FTPdata
Configuring 4600 Series IP Telephones for FTP backup/restore operation requires providing
the FTP server IP address and optionally, a directory path, either in the settings file or by user
input. Also, for additional security, the user must input a user name and a password. The
Avaya IP Telephone File Server Application reduces the administration requirement to sup-
plying the FTP address only, which should be downloaded from the settings file. Instead of
requiring individual directories, user names and passwords, the FTP server interrogates the
telephone during a backup or restore for its extension number using SNMP. The obvious pre-
requisite is that the user has logged in using their IP telephone credentials, which is manda-
tory to access these functions.
Note: To simplify administration, only the FTP server address needs to be specified in
the IP telephone settings file.
Note: Remember to program the IP Telephone File Server Application server address
as a valid SNMP query source in the 46xxsettings.txt file.
The user data is stored and restored by combination of phone extension and phone type
retrieved in the SNMP query. Consequently, users can store personal settings and retrieve them
in a hot-desking environment, since the data is associated with their personal extension number
and not the physical phone instrument.
The Avaya IP Telephone File Server Application mode of operation provides additional security,
since only an IP telephone responding correctly to the SNMP challenge during the storage
process can either store or retrieve files. This allows the use of simple anonymous FTP logins,
for example, not setting user name/password in each phone, to vastly simplify user
The FTP server also has a Super User mode to allow storage of application files. Access is
limited only to the IP Telephone File Server Application subdirectories. This provides an
alternative method of storing files on the server.