Page 80 - Part 1 IP Connectivity How Do I?
Advanced WAN set-up
The advanced WAN configuration detailed below provides the same connectivity
as the previous example (Quick WAN set-up). This example allows the
connection to be authenticated in both directions using CHAP. The Outgoing
Service Name and Password are matched against the Account name and
Incoming Password.
Whilst the example details the configuration of WAN service it does not use the
WAN service type configuration that was used in the Quick WAN set-up. With a
WAN service type set to a Normal service type, the User and RAS items are
created and combined into a single entity. This configuration example will detail
the manual steps for creating the items which will be combined into a single item
equivalent to a WAN type service.
Although the WAN service type used in the previous example (Quick WAN set-
up) can be used for CHAP authentication between IPNC systems, the
configuration here demonstrates the flexibility of the authentication mechanism.
The flexibility of the IPNC means it may be configured to interoperate with the
many varied requirements of 3
party routers.
Step 1
Attach the WAN cable to the unit and reboot
It is important that, when a new WAN device is
created in the configuration, the IPNC is re-
booted with the WAN cable attached.
Note: Do not attempt to manually create a
WAN device
Step 2
Obtain configuration file for Unit1 and perform the
following tasks:
1. Create a Normal Service type
• Name = unit1
• Account name = unit2
• Password = password2
• Encrypted Password = selected
2. Create a User
• Name = unit1
• Password = password1
• On the Dial-In Tab select Dial-In On
3. Create a RAS
• Name = unit2
4. Modify the WAN device and add the following
• Speed = as specified
• Mode = SyncPPP
• RAS Name
= unit2
Once these tasks are completed successfully
select the newly created User/ Service and
confirm details are as shown below, If not
check spelling of Names/Account Names.
Parameter Value
Name (Outgoing) unit2
Account Name (Incoming) unit1
Password (Outgoing) password2
Incoming Password password1
Notes: 1. Passwords are encrypted in the
Manager display and are not
2. The Speed of the WAN link should
be obtained from the provider.
Selection of the Encrypted Password option
causes the IPNC to seek to authenticate the
remote peer (i.e. the IPNC will issue a CHAP
Challenge). It should be noted that with this
option unselected the IPNC will agree to be
authenticated and respond to CHAP but will
not issue a CHAP Challenge This behaviour
should be noted when interoperating CHAP
authentication with 3
party routers.
Page 80 - How Do I? INDeX IPNC Cassette Administration Manual
Part 1 IP Connectivity 38DHB0002UKDD – Issue 7 (22/11/02)