Telephones for the global marketplace
555-233-001 — Issue 2 — November 2000
2 Desktop/Console Solutions
• The 4612 IP telephone is a digital, multiline IP telephone that has 12 call
appearance/ feature buttons and a 2- line by 24- character display. The 4612 has
12 additional features that are accessible via the 2- line by 24- character display
and are selected by the four display- associated soft keys. The 4612 has a built- in
2- way speakerphone and can be wall mounted.
• The 4606 IP telephone is a digital, single- line IP telephone with 6 call
appearance/feature buttons and a 2- line by 16- character display. The 4606 has a
built- in 2- way speakerphone and can be wall mounted. There are no soft keys
associated with the display.
The 4300-Series telephones require either the TN2302 IP Media Processor circuit
pack or the TN802B Medpro circuit pack for the audio capability. They also require
the TN799 Control-LAN (CLAN) circuit pack for the signaling capability (either the
B or C vintage) on the csi, si, and r platforms. Release 2 and above of the
DEFINITYOne platform does not require the CLAN circuit pack in order to support
the IP telephones
6400-Series digital
The 6400-Series digital telephones are versatile 2-wire DCP telephones that support
all of the key/hybrid features of DEFINITY ONE. These telephones have a new,
global design and include the following additional features:
• Date and time display
• Feature button that allows switchhook control of a headset
• Conference, Transfer, Hold, and Last Number Dialed fixed feature buttons
• Group Listen capability. This allows you to use your handset or headset while
others in the room listen via a speakerphone. This 2-way handset, 1-way speaker
mode allows you to serve as a spokesperson for a group.
• Station User Administration capability allows you to program certain features on
the telephone yourself.
• Whisper Page. This allows an assistant to announce a second call to a company
official during an active call on the official’s telephone. The announcement is
heard only by the official.
• Auto Call Times. This allows each call to be timed automatically upon answer.
The elapsed call displays on the telephone. The timer is stopped automatically
when a call is ended or placed on hold.
The 6400 Tip/Ring Module enables a 6400-series analog adjunct, such as a fax
machine or modem to operate independently on the I2 channel with its own