170 Avaya Integrated Management Release 4.0.1 Software Update Manager
Port Configuration Area
The Port Configuration Area enables you to configure a port’s VLAN configuration.
To view the Port Configuration Area:
Click Port Configuration. The Port Configuration Area opens.
Figure 74: Port Configuration Area
The following table provides a list of the configuration parameters in the Port Configuration Area
and their description.
Table 63: Port Configuration Area Parameters
Field Description
PVID The Port VLAN ID (PVID) of the port. This is the VLAN of which the
port is a member. THE PVID pull-down list contains all VLANS known
to the network and VLANs on the device.
Tagging Mode The tagging mode of the port. The tagging mode controls the tagging
of packets that can be forwarded by the port. The following tagging
modes are available.
● Clear - The packet is forwarded with no VLAN tag.
● IEEE-802.1Q - The packet is forwarded with a VLAN tag in
conformance with the IEEE-802.q standard.
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