NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010 153
Report Creation Wizard
Editing a Report Creation Wizard report in Historical Reporting
To modify a saved Report Creation Wizard report, access Historical Reporting.
• Create a report in Report Creation Wizard. See Creating a simplified report
(page 126) or Creating an advanced report (page 133).
• Import the report to Historical Reporting. See Importing a report to Historical
Reporting (page 140).
• Log on to Historical Reporting.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 In the left pane, click the server to which you want to log on.
2 Navigate to the folder in which the Report Creation Wizard report to edit is stored.
The report icon for a Report Creation Wizard report is different from the report icon for
a standard report.
3 Right-click the report, and then click Edit.
The report appears in Report Creation Wizard in the Report Layout window. All buttons
in the navigation bar and the toolbar are enabled.
4 Edit the report.
5 On the toolbar, click Save.
All changes are effective immediately.
Viewing or modifying the object name in Crystal Reports
If you apply a report template, Report Creation Wizard uses the object name to
determine if an object exists on the report. If report does not include the object name,
RCW adds the object according to the specified settings and location in the report
template. If the object name exists in the report, the new object replaces the previous
object according to the specified settings and location in the report template.
• Ensure that Crystal Reports 10 is installed.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 On the object, right-click, and then select Format <Object Name>.
2 In the Format Editor, select the Common tab.