Chapter 6 Avaya P130 CLI
Avaya P130 User’s Guide 41
Account Modification Commands
Account modification commands allow you to set-up a new user account or modify
an existing account of a user connected to the P130 family switch.
All account modification commands are accessed from Supervisor Level. This is the
level in which you first enter the CLI.
To enter the Supervisor level, type root as the Login name and the default password
root (in lowercase letters):
Welcome to P130
Login: root
Password accepted.
Username Command
Use the username command to add a local user account. By default there is only a
single user account, named ‘root’, with password ‘root’, which access the
administrator level. This basic account cannot be modified, but you can modify its
basic password.
The syntax for this command is:
username <name> password <passwd> [access-type {read-only |
read-write | admin}]
P130(super)# username john password johnny access-type read-
User account added.
P130(super)# username root password sodot access-type read-
ERROR: User account root has always an administrator access
P130(super)# username root password sodot access-type admin
User account modified.
<name> Minimum 4 characters, maximum 12.
<passwd> 4 to 8 characters, for being compatible with PPP.