Upgrading an Existing G700 with an S8300 — R1.x to R2.0
If the S8300 is Using IA770
Installation and Upgrades for G700 and S8300 259
December 2003
— click Refresh periodically until "Completed Successfully" appears
7 Restart Communication Manager:
a Open a Telnet session to the S8300 and type start -ac
b Ensure that all Communication Manager processes come up.
c After all Communication Manager processes are up, monitor the startup of IA770:
watch /VM/bin/ss
Press Ctrl+C to break out of the watch command.
8 Run an IA770 sanity test:
a Type /vs/bin/display
b All states should be "Inserv" with an associate phone number.
c Retrieve the test message saved before the upgrade.
Save Translations
1 In the telnet session, open a SAT session.
2 Log in again as craft.
3 Type save translation and press Enter.
When the save is finished, the system displays the message, Command successfully completed.
4 If an IA770 post-upgrade update (patch) is required, see the IA770 documentation for procedures
to install the update.
Install IA770 update (patch) files, if any
If IA770 is being used, a post-upgrade update (patch) for IA770 may be required. See the IA770
documentation for procedures to install an update. The documentation can be found on the Avaya
Support Web Site at http://support.avaya.com. Then click on Product Documentation and then
Messaging and scroll down to the INTUITY document links.