AVerMedia User’s Manual
EYES Pro/MP2016/MP3000/MP5000
Safety Quota:
Once the hard disk starts recycling, the system won’t stop until the hard
disk free space becomes more than a user-defined number, say 6000MB
(default value). Safety quota should be at least 5550 MB more
than the minimum space you assigned.
Camera Setup
The setting is placed according to the privilege of every server for the
cameras corresponding to the 16 channels respectively.
Follow the tasks below to finish this section:
1. Click Camera Setup. It will show a window like the following:
2. Change channel’s names by directly click on .
3. Arrow down the list to select the Server’s and Camera’s names for
each channel.
4. Check Display to show the images on the screen and Recording to
enable the recording function for each channel.
5. Click OK to save or Cancel to delete the previous arrangement.
The listed servers and cameras in the pull-down menu are
decided by the settings of the each of the servers.
AVerMedia User’s Manual
EYES Pro/MP2016/MP3000/MP5000
6.2.4 Schedule Recording
The function allows you to plan the recording schedule by date or
weekday for all the channels.
Do the steps following:
1. Click Schedule Recording
to get the window besides:
2. Check the recording by date or
by weekday and choose the
time by clicking the arrow of
the box
. The
following window will show as:
3. Click on the yy/mm position directly and use the upper left and
upper right arrows and the red circle in the bottom left corner
window to specify a date to be an operating time.