
MAC2000 Introduction
Instruction 2072-0400 7
1.4 Using the Function Keys
The operation of each function key (F1–F5) depends on the service
operation and unit status. The display shows five labels along the
bottom of the screen pointing to the function keys below. Each label
shows the action the key will activate. To make a selection, press the
function key immediately below the arrow.
The Next menu function key takes the technician to the next set of
menu items. There will always be a menu item to take the technician
back to the main menu.
1.5 Using the Up/Down, Increase, Decrease, and
Back/Forward Arrow Keys
Pressing the Up/Down and Back/Forward keys moves the cursor on
the screen in that direction. In addition, when entering numeric data,
pressing the Increase key will increase the number, while pressing
the Decrease key will decrease the number.