Instruction 24-9448 4-15
4.12.4 Ending the Data Logging Process
Data logging will stop and the pump will turn OFF after the prescribed
duration, or after all 500 memory locations are filled.
To exit the Combustion Test LOG screen, press
the RUN/HOLD button twice to display the Com-
bustion Test HOLD screen.
Note the following:
• To end the logging process at any time, press
the ESC button.
• At the end of the logging period, or if the
ESC button was pressed, the total number
of log entries that were stored during that
period appear at the bottom of the screen.
• If the logging process was stopped by pressing ESC, it cannot be re-
sumed without first turning logging back ON per Section 4.12.1.
4.13 Memory
There are two memory banks, each containing 500 memory locations. The
first bank is used to store combustion test data as described in Section 4.7.,
while the second bank is used to store logged combustion test data as
described in Section 4.12. Each bank is independent of each other, and can-
not share data or be combined.
Individual memory locations in each memory bank can be recalled for
viewing on the display or printed (refer to Sections 4.13.1 & 4.13.2), or the
entire contents of each memory bank can be individually downloaded to a
computer and viewed in a spreadsheet program for analysis (refer to Sec-
tion 4.14).
TIP: When displaying the contents of either memory bank,
the operator can quickly page through the screens by press-
ing the PAGE– (F1) and PAGE+ (F3) buttons. Or move to
the first or last memory location by pressing the buttons,
O2 4.0 %
CO 12 ppm
EFF 82.6 %
CO2 9.5 %
T-STK 374 °F
T-AIR 68.0 °F
EA 21.3 %
CO(3) 13 ppm
yy Entries Stored
F1 F2 F3
Where: “yy” is the number of
log entries stored during the
last logging session.