STEP 2: Start-up
When the countdown approaches 1,
begin to inhale a deep breath.
STEP 3: Breath Sampling
When the countdown reaches zero, the
BACTRACK will begin beeping and the
LCD segments will circle. Blow hard,
continuously, for five full seconds. While
a user is blowing, the BACTRACK will
sound a continuous tone. Keep blowing
until two beeps are heard.
STEP 4: Breath Analysis
When finished taking a breath sample,
the BACTRACK will circle the outer LCD
fields for three seconds while analyzing
the breath sample.
STEP 5: Display %BAC
Once the sensor technology has
analyzed the breath sample, the
estimated BAC (Blood Alcohol Content)
value is flashed on the screen.
The test result will be displayed for 10
seconds. Then the BACTRACK will beep
five times before powering off.
Battery Low
The battery power is low. Please
replace the batteries.
Flow Error
The breath sample was not sufficient.
Please repeat the testing process,
ensuring a continuous, five second
breath sample.
Time Out
If the user does not blow within 10
seconds, the unit displays [Err] and
shuts down.
The unit requires recalibration or
maintenance. Please refer to the
Verification and Calibration section
of this manual.