
General Information
Feed Rate/Chips
It is important that each tooth of the bandsaw blade cuts a chip
with the right thickness. This is determined by the selection of
tooth pitch, band speed and feed rate. Start by selecting the
right tooth pitch from the
diagrams on page 9 and 10 then set
your band speed according to the diagram below. You can now
set the correct feed rate by studying the chips which the
bandsaw blade produces when cutting. Use the pictures (right)
and adjust your feed rate or band speed accordingly.
For more information on cutting data contact your local
Bahco representative who can help you find the correct
cutting data for your specific application.
Sandflex Bi-Metal blades
m/min 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000
ft/min 30 60 150 300 600 1500 3000
Special Alloys
High-alloyed steel
Stainless steel
Low-alloyed steel
Un-alloyed steel
Cast iron
Plastics & Wood
1. Thin or pulverized chips - increase feed rate or lower
band speed
2. Loosely rolled chips -correct cutting data
3. Thick, heavy or blue chips - too high feed, lower feed rate
or increase band speed
1. 2. 3.
Band Speed
When using carbide-tipped blades, consult your Bahco specialist for band speed recommendations.