33 Outlaw
SeCtiOn 1 • SaFety
When engine is running, keep passengers away from
areas not designed for riding, such as seat backs,
bow, gunwales, transom platform, front and rear
decks and on sun pads.
Passengers can fall overboard if not seated properly
on the seats provided.
Never carry more weight or passengers than
indicated on the certication plate, regardless of
weather or water conditions.
The boat can capsize, swamp or sink.
8. loaD capaciTY
a. uniTeD sTaTes
Use common sense and sound judgement when
placing equipment and/or passengers in your boat.
The number of people on board must be reduced if
you go out in poor weather and rough water.
• The number of seats does not indicate how
many people a boat can carry in poor weather
and rough water
• Above idle speed, all passengers must be
seated on the seats provided.
The United States Coast Guard does not provide
specic numbers for passenger capacity or
cargo weight for recreational vessels larger
than 20 feet (6.09 meters). For safety sake,
use the following information provided for the
international loading standards for maximum
number of passengers plus cargo weight.
b. inTernaTional
The certication plate (Fig. 1.6.1) located near
the helm indicates maximum weight and number
of persons your boat can handle under calm sea
conditions. Do not exceed the load capacities
stated. The number of people on board must be
reduced if you go out in poor weather and rough
water. Above idle speed, all passengers must be
seated on the seats provided.
9. poWer capaciTY
Your boat's engine and accessories were selected
to provide optimum performance and service.
Installing a different engine or other accessories
may cause unwanted handling characteristics.
Should you choose to install a different engine, or
to add accessories that will affect the boat's running
trim, have an experienced marine technician
perform a safety inspection and handling test before
operating your boat again. Certain modications to
your boat will result in cancellation of your warranty
protection. Always check with your dealer before
making any modications to your boat.
10. propellers
Your Baja
has been equipped with propellers
which our tests have shown to be the best suited for
general use with our engine under normal conditions
and load. Do not change the pitch of your propellers
without getting your dealer's recommendations rst.
If you change to a different propeller pitch, under no
circumstances use propellers which allow the
engine to operate at higher than recommended
RPM. (Your engine manual species the maximum
recommended RPM).
+ =
655 kw
680 kg