Rotisserie/Convection Oven Operation
Accessory Use
Standard Meat forks
The standard meat forks are ideal for chicken and poultry. Use the following procedure to prepare the bird for
loading in the oven.
1. Fold wings to back, place on back with cavity away from you.
2. Run pointed ends of meat fork through sides of chicken under wings and through thighs (breast up and
legs down). Ensure that legs of adjacent birds DO NOT PRESS TIGHTLY TOGETHER, this will cause
the area of contact to be under-cooked!
3. Load the meat-forks by holding the meat-fork with the handle to the right–hand side, facing up.
4. Open the oven door.
5. Press Rotor Switch to rotate rotor to open position if required.
6. Place the pointed ends of the meat-fork into the left-hand disc holes.
7. From the control side, push the meat-fork into the disc to allow the right-hand (handle end) pins locate
into the right-hand disc.
8. Be sure to adjust the meat-fork position so that the handle end locates firmly in the spit groove.
Baskets can be used for large chickens or other meats. After loading with product, simply locate pins in the holes
on the discs.