2. Introduction to ClickShare
2 1 3 2
Image 2-3
1 USB port
2 Status LED strip
3 Standby Button
Table 2-3
USB Port
The USB port is used to update the software of both the Base Unit and the B uttons.
When plugging in the Button into the Base Unit, the Button is paired to the Bas e Unit. The Base Unit checks whether the software
and firmware of the B utton is up to date. If not, the B ase Unit updates the software and/or firmware.
Status LED strips
The c olor of the LEDs at the front of the Base Unit give information on the status of the system.
LEDs behavior Explanation
static red
• receiving content from the Buttons and streaming towards the display.
• pairing and software update of the Button is done. You can now unplug the
Button from the Base Unit.
• during the first phase of the Base Unit boot process.
blinking white
• system is starting up (during the second phase)
• Button pairing is in progress
• software update of the Base Unit
slow blinking white
• standby mode (i.e. muting the display output)
static white
• awake and ready (i.e. showing the welcome message on the display)
• pairing is done
red blinking
• an error occ u rred
Standby button
The b utton at the front of the Base Unit has a power on/off function and a standby function.
• When the system is awake, a short push triggers the system to go into standby mode.
• When the system is in standby mode, a short push triggers the system to wake up.
• When the s ystem is powered on, a long push makes the system to shut down and power off.
• When the system is shut down, a long pu
sh or short push triggers the system to s tart up.
R5900001 CLICKSHARE 08/07/2013