1. Backup Agent Plug-in Installation
Image 1-3
11.You can keep or change automatic backup scheduling. For further details see the appendix at the end of the document, "Details
of the B ackup Schedule tab", pa ge 7 .
Two automatic backup are provided by default: the first at 1am a nd the second at 1pm.
12.Push on “Save” button if you have made changes.
1.7 Launch the first backup
What has to be done?
The backup of system parameters and s ystem databases (Backup system) c annot be done when the application runs. You m ust
performe this backup manually when you install the "Backup Agent”.
It is also recom mended to do a backup of the TMS application p arameters ( Backup application).
1. Select the “Backup/Restore” tab.
Image 1-4
2. Push on the “Bac kup System” button.
3. A confirm ation is required to ensure that the user really wants to s top the application.
Image 1-5
Note: This mes sage is display to remind that quitting the application in this way can result in loss of data that have not been
explicitly saved with the application interface.
R59770810 BACKUP AGENT PLUG-IN 06/11/2012