
Barnes & Noble NOOK User Guide 27
The Home Screen
The Home screen gives you easy access to the books and periodicals you have recently read or purchased.
In the top portion of the screen, you’ll see the cover of the most recent book or periodical you’ve been reading.
Here’s an example of a Home screen:
The Reading Now Panel
The Reading Now panel shows the cover of the book or periodical you were most recently reading. If you have not
read a book or periodical, yet, the Reading Now panel shows the cover of the NOOK User Guide. This guide is auto-
matically included in your Library.
To open the book or periodical shown in the Reading Now panel, tap on its cover.
To share information about the book–for example, to rate or review it or to recommend it to friends–tap the share
link at the bottom of the panel.
Reading Now
NOOK Button
Status Bar
What to Read Next