Upgrading Security
BEA WebLogic Server 7.0 Upgrade Guide 1-7
Note: The WebLogic Server 7.0 examples and PetStore are configured to use the
default security configuration. It is not possible to run the WebLogic Server
7.0 examples and PetStore in Compatibility security.
Booting WebLogic Server in Compatibility Security
In previous releases of WebLogic Server, the File realm was configured by default.
Therefore, WebLogic Server could use the File Realm to boot even if there was no
security realm defined in the
config.xml file. However, in order to run WebLogic
Server in Compatibility security, you need to have either a File realm or an alternative
security realm defined in your
config.xml file. Otherwise, your server may not boot.
If you are unable to boot WebLogic Server in Compatibility security, copy
SerializedSystemini.dat to your new domain folder and then do one of the
Boot your configuration under WebLogic Server 6.x, letting the server save the
config.xml file, and then port the saved config.xml file to WebLogic Server
Edit your 6.x config.xml file to include the following definitions:
<Security Name=mydomain Realm=mysecurity/>
<Realm Name=mysecurity FileRealm=myrealm/>
<FileRealm Name=myrealm/>
ACLs on MBeans
ACLs on MBeans are not supported in WebLogic Server 7.0. For information on
protecting MBeans in WebLogic Server 7.0, see Protecting System Administration
Operations in the Administration Guide.