
Internationalization Guide vii
About This Document
This document defines internationalization and localization, and explains how to use
the templates and tools provided with WebLogic Server to create or edit message
catalogs that are locale-specific.
The document is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, “Overview of Internationalization for WebLogic Server,” summarizes
the processes required for internationalization and localization.
Chapter 2, “Using Message Catalogs with BEA WebLogic Server,” describes
message catalog types, message definitions, elements, and arguments.
Chapter 3, “Using the BEA WebLogic Server Message Editor,” explains how to
use the Message Editor that is included with WebLogic Server.
Chapter 4, “Using the BEA WebLogic Server Internationalization Utilities,”
explains how to use the internationalization utilities included with WebLogic
Appendix A, “Localizer Class Reference for BEA WebLogic Server,” describes
Localizer classes, Localizer methods, key values for Localizers, and
lookup properties for
Appendix B, “Logger Class Reference for BEA WebLogic Server,” describes
Logger classes and provides an example of a message catalog and its
Logger class.
Appendix C, “Loggable Object Reference for BEA WebLogic Server,” describes
loggable objects and how they are used.
Appendix D, “TextFormatter Class Reference for BEA WebLogic Server,”
provides and example of an application that uses a
TextFormatter class.