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2-Way Active
Studio Monitors
respond much more quickly than those made
of paper, important for not only maintaining
bass content integrity, but critical for midrange
accuracy and defi nition. Our Kevlar transducers
reproduce even the subtlest nuance of the
low-frequency realm without muddying
the midrange.
What’s with the funny-looking tweeter?
Ribbon tweeters bring a level of accuracy
and sophistication to high-resolution studio
monitors that was previously unattainable.
They provide exceptionally wide horizontal
dispersion (for a larger “sweet-spot”), while
holding the vertical dispersion extremely tight.
And since our ribbon transducer diaphragm is
virtually weightless, it reacts instantaneously
to changes in the high-frequency content.
Now, not only do you hear the dulcet tones of
a fl ute, you hear the breath fl owing through
it... You hear the wind chimes bouncing off
each other... You can hear the fi ngernails on the
nylon strings of a classical guitar…
Another reason why ribbon tweeters
are so supremely accurate is their ability to
reproduce frequencies far above our normal
hearing range. Even though we can’t hear
these “ultrasonics,” the lower harmonics they
generate do aff ect the way we experience the
stereo image. For instance, a 30 kHz signal is
too high for us to hear, but we can hear its fi rst
sub-harmonic (15 kHz), second sub-harmonic
(7.5 kHz), and third (3.75 kHz), etc. All these
sub-harmonics combine with the primary
sound to create stunning realism.
Surround Sound Decoder
Video Monitor
Power to the People
It takes quite a bit more than just a
“bulletproof” woofer and a high-tech
ribbon tweeter stuck inside a fancy box
to make a studio monitor of this class.
It also takes power — and lots of it! But
even more importantly, that power has
to be matched to the individual high-
and low-frequency tranducers. While
some of our competitors are content
to stick whatever speakers they have
on the shelf into haphazardly designed
boxes and then strap on a one-size-
ts-all amplifi er package, we build
every single component from the
ground up.
Surround Sound Setup
Computer Setup
B3031A B3031A
USB Audio Interface
DAW software
available separately