60 / EN
Laundry does not smell like the softener. (**)
•Detergentisputinthewrongcompartment.>>>If detergent is put in the prewash compartment although
prewash cycle is not selected, machine can take this detergent during rinsing or softener step. Wash and clean the
dispenser with hot water. Put the detergent in the correct compartment.
•Detergentmightbemixedwiththesoftener.>>>Do not mix the softener with detergent. Wash and clean
the dispenser with hot water.
Detergent residue in the detergent drawer. (**)
•Detergentisputinwetdrawer.>>>Dry the detergent drawer before putting in detergent.
•Detergenthasgottendamp.>>>Keep detergents closed in an environment free of humidity and do not
expose them to excessive temperatures.
•Waterpressureislow.>>>Check the water pressure.
detergentcompartmentareblocked.>>>Check the holes and clean if they are clogged.
•Thereisaproblemwiththedetergentdrawervalves.>>>Call the Authorised Service Agent.
•Detergentmightbemixedwiththesoftener.>>>Do not mix the softener with detergent. Wash and clean
the dispenser with hot water.
There is detergent left on the laundry. (**)
•Excessivelaundrywasloadedin.>>>Do not load the machine in excess.
•Wrongprogrammeandtemperaturewereselected.>>>Select the proper programme and temperature
for the laundry to be washed.
•Wrongdetergentwasused.>>>Select the proper detergent for the laundry to be washed.
Too much foam forms in the machine. (**)
•Improperdetergentsforthewashingmachinearebeingused.>>>Use detergents appropriate for the
washing machine.
•Excessiveamountofdetergentisused.>>>Use only sufficient amount of detergent.
•Detergentwasstoredunderimproperconditions.>>>Store detergent in a closed and dry location. Do not
store in excessively hot places.
•Somemeshedlaundrysuchastullemayfoamtoomuchbecauseoftheirtexture.>>>Use smaller
amounts of detergent for this type of item.
•Detergentisputinthewrongcompartment.>>>Put the detergent in the correct compartment.
•Softenerisbeingtakenearly.>>>There may be problem in the valves or in the detergent dispenser. Call the
Authorised Service Agent.
Foam is overflowing from the detergent drawer.
•Toomuchdetergentmightbeused.>>>Mix 1 tablespoonful softener and ½ l water and pour into the main
wash compartment of the detergent drawer.
and etc), reduce the amount of detergent.
Laundry remains wet at the end of the programme. (*)
duetotoomuchdetergentusage.>>>Use recommended amount of detergent.