29 / EN
Washing Machine / User’s Manual
• Aqua 40’/40°
Use this programme to wash your lightly soiled and unstained cotton laundry in a short
• Duvet
Use this programme to wash your fiber duvets that bear "machine washable" tag. Make
sure that you have loaded the duvet correctly in order not to damage the machine and the
duvet. Remove the duvet cover before loading the duvet into the machine. Fold the duvet
into two and load it into the machine. Load the duvet into the machine paying attention to
place it in a way that it will not contact the bellow.
Do not load more than 1 double fibre duvet (200 x 200 cm).
Do not wash your duvets, pillows and etc. that contain cotton in the machine.
CAUTION: Do not wash the items apart from duvets such as carpets, rugs and etc. in the machine.
Permanent damage occurs in the machine.
• Hygiene 20°
Use this programme for your laundry for which you require washing at lower temperature
with intensive and long washing cycle. Use this programme for your laundry for which you
require hygienic washing at lower temperature.
• Rinse
Use when you want to rinse or starch separately.
• Spin+Drain
Use to drain the water in the machine.
4.6.6 Temperature selection
Whenever a new programme is selected, the recommended temperature for the
programme appears on the temperature indicator. It is possible that the recommended
temperature value is not the maximum temperature that can be selected for the current