G+ MIMO Wireless Modem Router
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Internet Connection Settings
The Setup Assistant contains a database of Internet Service Providers
(ISP) in each country to help you set up your Router quickly� If your ISP
is not on the list, please collect the following information from your ISP
before setting up the Router:
• Internet connection protocol: _________ (PPPoE, PPPoA, Dynamic
IP, Static IP)
• Multiplexing method or Encapsulation: __________ (LLC or VC
• Virtual circuit: VPI (Virtual Path Identifier) __________ (a number
between 0 and 255)
• VCI (Virtual Channel Identifier) __________ (a number between 1
and 65535)
• For PPPoE and PPPoA users: ADSL account user name
_____________ and password _______________
• For static IP users: IP Address ___ � ___ � ___ � ___
Subnet Mask ___ � ___ � ___ � ___
Default Gateway Server ___ � ___ � ___ �
• IP address for Domain Name Server ___ � ___ � ___ � ___ (If given
by your ISP)