Home Base
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Home Base can distribute pictures, movies, and music (called media
files) to UPnP media players by using UPnP.
Function Features
This Media Server distributes media files in USB storage to media
players. It makes virtual directories, “Image,” “Music,” and “Movie.”
These virtual directories consist of sub-directories and each kind of
media file.
Supported Media Formats
This Media Server supports the following file types:
Media Type Format(FileExtension)
Image JPEG (.jpg) PNG (.png)
Movie MPEG-1 (.mpg) MPEG-2 (.mpg .mpeg) MPEG-4 (.m4v .m4p .mp4)
Music AC3 (.ac3) LPCM (.wav) MP3 (.mp3) MPEG-4 (.m4a) WMA (.wma)
In addition, the following files may be showed on file lists that the media
player displays:
Table 1 File Formats
Media Type FileExtension
Image .bmp .ico .gih .jpe .pnm .ppm .qti .qtf .qtif .tif .tiff
Movie asf .avc .avi .dv .divx .wmv .mjpg .mjpeg .mpe .mp2p .vob .mp2t .m1v .m2v
.mpg2 .mpeg2 .mp4ps .ts .ogm .mkv .rmvb .mov .hdmov .qt .bin .iso .asx
Music 3gp .aac .aif .aiff .at3p .au .snd .dts .rmi .mid .mp1 .mp2 .ogg .pcm
.lpcm .l16 .wma .mka .ra .rm .ram .flac .pls .m3u
Supported Media Players
• Sony
• Microsoft®Xbox360™
The “About” tab shows which version of Control Center you are running
and software support contact information. Should you need to send an
email support request, please include the software version number in
your description.