
1. Make sure the data cable is NOT plugged in until CellSync
software is installed.
2. Disregard any signature screens by clicking “OK”.
3. Make sure your phone has been set up to be Web-enable. If not,
please contact Sprint PCS.
4. LG phones will turn off and on when the read and write function
is being used. For LG 5350 phones, make sure that your phone
settings are correct.
Connection: Always (This will change every time you power
the phone off and on.)
Method: RS-232 (com port)
Port Speed: 230400bps
Refer to the installation guide for Windows 98 and Me for further
5. If you get a communication error, check to see if your phone is
connected to the computer with the data cable provided and that
your phone is powered on.
6. You must obtain your user name and password before using the
CellSync Manager.
7. For the Sanyo SCP-4900, a “Service Required” message will appear
on your phone while syncing or connecting to the Internet.
Please ignore.
How to obtain your user name and password:
1. Go to www.sprintpcs.com.
2. Under the “Customer Sign-on” section, click on the
“Sign On” icon.
3. In the “Customer Sign-on” window, click on the “GO” button for
first-time signing-on as a PCS Vision customer. Follow the
instructions provided. If you need help, call 888-211-4727.