Wireless Router
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Using a Hexadecimal Key
A hexadecimal key is a mixture of numbers and letters from A–F and
0–9� 64-bit keys are 10 digits long and can be divided into five two-digit
numbers� 128-bit keys are 26 digits long and can be divided into 13
two-digit numbers�
For instance:
AF 0F 4B C3 D4 = 64-bit key
C3 03 0F AF 0F 4B B2 C3 D4 4B C3 D4 E7 = 128-bit key
In the boxes below, make up your key by writing in two characters
between A–F and 0–9� You will use this key to program the encryption
settings on your Router and your wireless computers�
Note to Mac users: Original Apple AirPort products support 64-bit
encryption only� Apple AirPort 2 products can support 64-bit or 128-bit
encryption� Please check your product to see which version you are
using� If you cannot configure your network with 128-bit encryption, try
64-bit encryption�