Using Your Phone 41
5. Press (Save) to save this photo to Media Center → Album. To
take another photo simply press (Discard) to take a new one.
After you have saved a photo to the phone, you can manage this
photo using the options below:
• Send Photo: Sends the picture in a MMS message.
8 For information about messaging features, see page 46,
"Messages Menu".
• Set Image ID: Set the current selected photo as a phone book
contact's visual caller ID. When there is an incoming call from
that contact, the phone's display will show this photo.
•New Entry: Enables you to create a new contact in the
Phone Book using the photo as her/his caller ID.
•Exist Entry: Associate the current selected photo with a
contact in the phone book entries.
8 This function is only available for contacts saved in the phone
memory's phone book.
• Set Wallpaper: Designates this photo as the wallpaper for the
LCD display's standby screen. You can also do so by using the
menu: Media Center
→ Album, or by using Settings → Display
→ Wallpaper → Photo.
• Rename: Give this photo a new file name.
8 A photo's name can't be left empty, nor can it share the same
name with another photo already stored in your phone.
• Details: Shows the photo's name, date, resolution, and file size.