Positioning your projector
Obtaining a preferred projected image size
The distance from the projector lens to the screen, the zoom setting, and the video format each factors in the
projected image size. BenQ has provided separate tables of dimensions for both 16:9 and 4:3 screen ratios to
assist you in determining the ideal location for your projector.
1. Determine the aspect ratio of your screen, (16:9 or 4:3)?
2. Select the Screen Size you desire from the 16:9 ratio screen dimension table or 4:3 ratio screen dimension
table below, according to which screen aspect you have. Install the projector at a distance from the screen
corresponding to between the Min. and Max. Projection Distance values in the table.
3. Decide the exact height of your projector.
Installation for a 16:9 ratio screen
16:9 (widescreen) ratio screen dimension table
The above numbers are approximate and may be slightly different from the actual measurements. Only
the recommended screen sizes are listed. If the your screen size is not in the table above, please contact
your BenQ dealer for assistance.
An examination of the table reveals that you can place the projector lens in the range from 2 to 13.69m distance
from the screen, which will give you a projected image from 50" (1.11 x 0.62m) to 300" (6.64 x 3.74m) full
Projection Distance
Center of the lens
Ceiling Installation
Center of the lens
Projection Distance
Floor Installation
Screen Dimensions (inch / cm) Projection Distance (inch / cm)
Diagonal Width Height
Min distance (with
max zoom)
Max distance (with min
50 / 127.0 43.6 / 110.7 24.5 / 62.3 78.1 / 198.5 89.9 / 228.2
60 / 152.4 52.3 / 132.8 29.4 / 74.7 93.8 / 238.1 107.8 / 273.9
70 / 177.8 61.0 / 155.0 34.3 / 87.2 109.4 / 277.8 125.8 / 319.5
80 / 203.2 69.7 / 177.1 39.2 / 99.6 125.0 / 317.5 143.8 / 365.2
90 / 228.6 78.4 / 199.2 44.1 / 112.1 140.6 / 357.2 161.7 / 410.8
100 / 254.0 87.2 / 221.4 49.0 / 124.5 156.3 / 396.9 179.7 / 456.4
110 / 279.4 95.9 / 243.5 53.9 / 137.0 171.9 / 436.6 197.7 / 502.1
120 / 304.8 104.6 / 265.7 58.8 / 149.4 187.5 / 476.3 215.6 / 547.7
130 / 330.2 113.3 / 287.8 63.7 / 161.9 203.1 / 516.0 233.6 / 593.4
140 / 355.6 122.0 / 309.9 68.6 / 174.3 218.8 / 555.7 251.6 / 639.0
150 / 381.0 130.7 / 332.1 73.5 / 186.8 234.4 / 595.4 269.6 / 684.7
160 / 406.4 139.5 / 354.2 78.4 / 199.2 250.0 / 635.0 287.5 / 730.3
170 / 431.8 148.2 / 376.3 83.3 / 211.7 265.6 / 674.7 305.5 / 775.9
180 / 457.2 156.9 / 398.5 88.2 / 224.1 281.3 / 714.4 323.5 / 821.6
190 / 482.6 165.6 / 420.6 93.1 / 236.6 296.9 / 754.1 341.4 / 867.2
200 / 508.0 174.3 / 442.8 98.1 / 249.1 312.5 / 793.8 359.4 / 912.9
250 / 635.0 217.9 / 553.5 122.6 / 311.3 390.7 / 992.3 449.3 / 1141.1
300 / 762.0 261.5 / 664.1 147.1 / 373.6 468.8 / 1190.7 539.1 / 1369.3