
Beyond Microwaving
If the oven cannot find a barcode, the message NOT IN
MEMORY appears on the display window. When this hap-
pens, you may opt to use the Learn function to manually
program the cooking instructions and save them in the oven’s
memory. The oven will always "remember" this barcode in the
future and program itself according to your instructions.
When individual packages of food with a UPC number are
packaged inside of a larger package also with a UPC number,
either number may be scanned.
What is the Beyond Appliance Home
Beyond Appliances are able to exchange information with
other Beyond appliances in your home. They do this through a
wireless home network that you can set up. To use the wireless
network of your Beyond appliances, you must have a Home
Hub or an iCEBOX and your Microwave or other appliance
must have a SANI card installed.
The Home Hub and the iCEBOX retrieve new or favorite food
cooking programs from the Internet and send them to your
microwave oven and other Beyond appliances over the wire-
less SANI network.
When using this system, any barcodes you scan that are not
already in the oven’s memory are sent to the Beyond Informa-
tion Network test kitchens (via your SANI network) so that we
can research the best cooking method. The more products you
scan, the smarter and more customized your oven becomes!