7.11.7 Work Area. The operator shall ensure that the area surrounding the aerial
platform is clear of personnel and equipment before lowering the platform.
7.11.8 Fueling. The engine shall be shut down while fuel tanks are being filled.
Fueling shall be done in a well-ventilated area free of flame, sparks, or other hazards
that may cause fire or explosion.
7.11.9 Battery Charging. Batteries shall be charged in a well-ventilated area free
of flame, sparks, or other hazards that may cause fire or explosion.
7.11.10 Platform Positioning. The aerial platform shall not be positioned against
another object to steady the platform.
7.11.11 Misuse as a Crane. The aerial platform shall not be used as a crane.
7.11.12 Operating Areas. The aerial platform shall not be operated from a position
on trucks, trailers, railway cars, floating vessels, scaffolds, or similar equipment,
unless the application is approved in writing by the manufacturer.
7.11.13 Travel Conditions. Under all travel conditions, the operator shall limit
travel speed according to conditions of ground surface, congestion, visibility, slope,
locations of personnel, and other factors causing hazards of collision or injury to
7.11.14 Unauthorized Use. Means shall be used to protect against use by
unauthorized person(s).
7.12 Operation of the Aerial Platform. If a user is also the operator of an aerial
platform, the user shall have the responsibilities of operators specified in Section 8 of this
standard as well as responsibilities of users as specified in Section 7 of this standard.
7.13 Assistance to Operator. If a user is unable to answer any operator's questions
relating to rated capacity, intended use, maintenance, condition, or safety of operation of
the aerial platform, the user shall obtain the proper information from the dealer, owner, or
manufacturer and provide that information to the operator before use of the aerial
platform in the application of concern.
7.14 Shutdown of Aerial Platform. The user shall authorize and direct the operating
personnel to cease operation of the aerial platform in case of any suspected malfunctions
of the aerial platform, or any hazard or potentially unsafe condition that may be
encountered, and to request further information as to safe operation from the owner,
dealer, or manufacturer before further operation of the aerial platform.
7.15 Record Retention. The user shall retain the following records for at least 3 years:
(1) Records of the operator(s) trained on each model of an aerial platform (2) Written
records of the frequent and annual inspections shall be kept by the user when performing
the inspections. The records shall include the date of inspection, any deficiencies found,
the corrective action recommended and identification of the person(s) performing the
inspection (3) Written records of all repairs accomplished on the aerial platform,
including the date of any such repair, a description of the work accomplished, and the
identification of the person(s) performing the repair.
7.16 Modifications. A user shall not modify or concur in modification of an aerial
platform without the specific written approval of the manufacturer of the aerial platform.
7.17 Manufacturer's Safety Bulletins. The user shall comply with safety-related
bulletins as received from the manufacturer, dealer, or owner.
8. Responsibilities of Operators
8.1 Basic Principles. The information in this standard shall be supplemented by good
judgment, safety control, and caution in evaluating each situation. Since the operator is
in direct control of the aerial platform, conformance with good safety practices in this
area is the responsibility of the operator. The operator shall make decisions on the use
and operation of the aerial platform with due consideration for the fact that his or her own
safety as well as the safety of other personnel on the platform is dependent on those