activity. To enable this function, select the Enable radio button and enter your
Syslog server IP address in the Log Server IP Address field. Click Apply to save
your changes.
To disable this feature, simply select the Disable radio button and click Apply. E-mail Alert
The Email Alert function allows a log of security-related events (such as System Log
and IPSec Log) to be sent to a specified email address.
Email Alert: You may enable or disable this function by selecting the appropriate
radio button.
Recipient’s Email Address: Enter the email address where you wish the alert logs
to be sent.
SMTP Mail Server: Enter your email account’s outgoing mail server. It may be an
IP address or a domain name.
Sender’s Email Address: Enter the email address where you wish the alert logs to
be sent by which address.
Mail Server Login: some SMTP servers may request users to login before serving.
Select Enable to activate SMTP server login function, disable to deactivate.
Username: Input the SMTP server’s username.
Password: Input the SMTP server’s password.
Alert via Email when: Select the frequency of each email update. Choose one of