
3.1.3 For Linux:
For Linux installation instructions, please refer to the
text file provided with your Linux driver’s package.
This driver supports Linux-2.4 kernels. The Linux kernel sources can be download from:
The driver supports Linux-2.4 kernels.
The installed system should already have the kernel sources installed in the /usr/src/linux
directory. If they are not there, try to get them off the installation disks for your distribution,
or download the latest Linux-2.4 kernel, and configure and build that. One common
problem while compiling modules on a new kernel is not to create link /usr/src/linux which
should point to the relevent kernel source directory. On a freshly installed system this link
might not be present and needs to be created before the kernel or any driver module can
be compiled. There are lots of books and documents available describing how to extract,
configure and build the kernel from it's sources.
The driver is compiled and tested for:
RedHat 7.1 : kernels 2.4.2-2 using gcc 2.96
RedHat 8.0 : kernel 2.4.18-14 using gcc 3.2
RedHat 9.0 : kernel 2.4.20-8 using gcc 3.2