myGuard 7500GL 802.11g Security ADSL Router
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
Frequent loss of
ADSL linesync
Ensure that all other devices connected to the same telephone line as your
Billion router (e.g. telephones, fax machines, analogue modems) have a
line filter connected between them and the wall socket (unless you are
using a Central Splitter or Central Filter installed by a qualified and
licensed electrician), and ensure that all line filters are correctly installed
and the right way around. Missing line filters or line filters installed the
wrong way around can cause problems with your ADSL connection,
including causing frequent disconnections.
Problems with the LAN Interface
Problem Corrective Action
Can’t ping any PCs on
the LAN.
Check the Ethernet LEDs on the front panel. The LED should be on for a
port that has a PC connected. If it is off, check the cables between your
router and the PC. Make sure you have uninstalled any software firewall
for troubleshooting.
Verify that the IP address and the subnet mask are consistent between the
router and the workstations.
Problems with the Trend Micro Security Service
Problem Corrective Action
Can’t view the heath
check report.
Check your Internet Explorer version. You must upgrade it to version 5.5
or above
My PC health Check
result does not report
Check your network topology. Make sure your router is direct connected to
your PCs.
ADSL myGuard Router router 2 PCs
ADSL router 1 myGuard Router PCs
My ActiveX shows as
expired components
Check your Internet Explorer version. You must upgrade it to version 5.5
or above.