Packet Filter
Packet ltering enables you to congure your router to block specied internal/external users (IP
address) from Internet access, or you can disable specic service requests (Port number) to / from
the Internet. This conguration program allows you to set up different lter rules for different users
based on their IP addresses or their network Port number. The relationship among all lters is “or”
operation, which means that the router checks these different lter rules one by one, starting from
the rst rule. As long as one of the rules is satised, the specied action will be taken.
Rule Name: User dened description for entry identication. The maximum name length is 32
characters, and then can choose an application that they want from the listbox.
Source IP address / Source Subnet Mask: This is an Address-Filter used to allow or block trafc
to/from particular IP address(es). Enter the IP & subnet mask you want to lter. If you leave empty
or, it means any IP address.
Destination IP address / Destination Subnet Mask: This is an Address-Filter used to allow or
block trafc to/from particular IP address(es). Enter the IP & subnet mask you want to lter. If you
leave empty or, it means any IP address.
Source Port: This Port or Port Range denes the ports allowed by the Remote/WAN to connect to
the application. Default is set from range 0 ~ 65535. It is recommended that only advance user is
to congure this feature.
Destination Port: This is the Port or Port Range that denes the port of the application.
Protocol: Specify the packet type (TCP, UDP, TCP/UDP) that the rule applies to. Select TCP if
you wish to search for the connection-based application service on the remote server using the
port number. Or select UDP if you want to search for the connectionless application service on the
remote server using the port number.
Direction: Determine whether the rule is for outgoing packets or for incoming packets.
Add: Click this button to add a new packet lter rule and the added rule will appear at the bottom
Edit: Check the Rule No. you wish to edit, and then click “Edit”.
Delete: Check the Rule No. you wish to delete, and then click “Delete”.