Be sure to also review the Safety Warnings located in the preface of this manual
before working with your BiGuard 2/10.
3.3 Connecting Your Router
Connecting BiGuard 2/10 is an easy three-step process:
1. Connect BiGuard 2/10 to your LAN by connecting Ethernet cables from your
networked PCs to the LAN ports on the router. Connect BiGuard 2/10 to your
broadband Internet connection via router’s WAN port.
2. Plug BiGuard 2/10 to an AC outlet with the included AC Power Adapter.
3. Ensure that the Power and WAN LEDs are solidly lit, and that on any LAN port that
has an Ethernet cable plugged in the LED is also solidly lit. The Status LED will
remain solid as the device boots. Once the boot sequence is complete, the LED will
shut off, indicating that BiGuard 2/10 is ready.
If the router does not power on, please refer to Chapter 5: Troubleshooting for
possible solutions.