
IP Address Mapping
Address Mapping Rule: Shows the PVC where the rule will be applied to
Rule Index: Choose the rule number.
Rule Type:
~ One-to-one: This is the mode maps one local IP address to one global IP address.
Note that port numbers do not change for the One-to-one NAT mapping type.
~ Many-to-One: This is the mode maps multiple local IP addresses to one global IP
address. This is equivalent to Many to One (i.e., PAT, port address translation).
~ Many-to-Many Overload: This mode maps multiple local IP addresses to shared
global IP addresses.
~ Many-to-Many No Overload: This mode maps each local IP address to an unique
global IP addresses.
~ Server: This type allows you to specify inside servers of different services behind the
NAT to be accessible to the outside world.
Local Start IP: This is the starting range for Inside Local IP Address (ILA). Local IP
addresses are N/A for Server port mapping.