■ Cookie Control - asks for your permission whenever a new website tries to set a
■ Script Control - asks for your permission whenever a website tries to activate a
script or other active content.
To configure the settings for these controls click Advanced Settings.
Configuring Protection Level
You can choose the protection level that better fits your security needs. Drag the slider
along the scale to set the appropriate protection level.
There are 3 protection levels:
DescriptionProtection level
Only Registry control is enabled.Permissive
Registry control and Identity Control are enabled.Default
Registry control, Identity Control and Script Control are
You can customize the protection level by clicking Custom level. In the window that
will appear, select the protection controls you want to enable and click OK.
Click Default Level to position the slider at the default level.
9.1.2. Antiphishing Protection
Phishing is a criminal activity on the Internet that uses social engineering techniques
in order to trick people into giving away private information.
Most of the times, phishing attempts come down to sending mass e-mail messages
which falsely claim to come from an established, legitimate enterprise. These spoofed
messages are sent in the hope that at least a few of the receivers that match the profile
of the phishing target will be persuaded to divulge private information.
A phishing message usually presents an issue related to your online account. It tries
to convince you to click a link provided within the message to access a supposedly
legitimate web site (in fact, a forged one) where private information is requested. You
may be asked, for example, to confirm account information, such as username and
password, and to provide your bank account or social security number. Sometimes,
Privacy Control
BitDefender Antivirus 2008