Time interval modification
To modify the time interval, let's say to 2 hours, you will have to run the command
# bdsafe configure update checkinterval 7200
Live! Update proxy configuration
If a proxy server is to be used to connect to the Internet please run the following
command providing the correct settings, the proxy address and port.
# bdsafeconfigure update proxysettings address:port
By default, the proxy is disabled. To enable it, use this command.
# bdsafeconfigure update useproxy Y
Update Pushing
Update Pushing is an ordered update launched by the BitDefender servers in imminent
situations, when a prompt update can save the server from allowing the infected emails
to pass.
The trigger is an email, sent to the address you have specified during the installation.
BitDefender, while filtering the emails, will recognize it and will initiate the update
process. Then, the email can be dropped or delivered, as you wish.
Since the Live! Update module can update automatically only the virus definitions and
some of the core libraries used by BitDefender, there is a small tool that can be used
to update the whole BitDefender installation.
BitDefender Swiss Army kniFE, bdsafe(8), is a multipurpose tool used for keeping
BitDefender up to date by applying various patches that might appear after the product
was released. It can be run directly by the system administrator to list, search, install
or uninstall patches or it can be installed as a cron job to automatically install the
patches as soon as they are released.
Patches are released to correct any bugs found or to add new features and they are
grouped in the following categories: CRITICAL, SECURITY, NORMAL.
• Patches are labeled CRITICAL when they affect the normal behavior of the product.
For example, if a new kernel is released, preventing the bdcored module to
accomplish its job, then a CRITICAL patch will be released, correcting this issue.
BitDefender Mail Protection for Enterprises