Rev. 2.01
- 10 -
2-2 Operation
2-2-1 Setting the DIP switches
The DIP switches are located on the bottom of the printer. The DIP switches are used to set the printer to perform various
functions. Follow these when changing DIP switches setting :
1. Turn the printer power switch off.
2. Remove the screw on the bottom of the printer and open the
3. Flip the DIP switches using tweezers or another marrow-ended
tool. Switches are in when up and off when off down in the
Figure 3-12.
4. The new setting takes effect when you turn on the printer.
Note : Always change DIP switch settings only when the
printer is turned off. Change made with the power on
have no effect and then on again.
Figure 2-5 Setting the DIP switches
2-2-2 Setting the DIP switch (RS-232C Serial Interface)
• DIP Switch 1
SW Function ON OFF Default
1-1 Auto Line Feed Enable Disable OFF
1-2 Handshaking XON/XOFF DTR/DSR OFF
1-3 Data Length 7bits 8bits OFF
1-4 Parity Check Yes No OFF
1-5 Parity Selection EVEN ODD OFF
1-6 OFF
1-7 ON
Baud Rate Selection (bps) Refer to the following table 1
• DIP Switch 2
SW Function ON OFF Default
2-1 Reserved - - OFF
2-2 Internal bell control Internal bell disable Internal bell enable OFF
2-3 Auto Cutter Disable Enable OFF
2-4 BUSY Condition Receive Buffer Full
* Offline
* Receive Buffer Full
2-5 OFF
2-6 OFF
Print Density Refer to the following table 2
2-8 Near-End Sensor Status Disable Enable OFF